Your Soirée invitation: 17 November 2019
Join us from 4pm to 6pm on Sunday 17 November for beautiful music, spirited conversation and delicious refreshments.
At this year’s spring soirée we are delighted to have as our musical guests local jazz duo Rufus/Sheridan.
Join us from 4pm to 6pm on Sunday 17 November for beautiful music, spirited conversation and delicious refreshments.
At this year’s spring soirée we are delighted to have as our musical guests local jazz duo Rufus-Sheridan, who will launch the hardcopy of their CD Documentation. The album has been described by Smiths Alternative Canberra as an ‘ intimate exploration through the worlds of traditional and modern jazz, paying homage to the greats while exploring the harmonic freedom of modern jazz.’
All proceeds to Global Schools Partners, a locally volunteer run charity which facilitates partnerships between schools in Australia and in developing nations to enable students from across the globe to connect, share and learn with one another.
With the magnificent Brindabellas as a backdrop, this will be some enchanted evening.
Tickets $50 per person, Bookings essential https://www.trybooking.com/BFVCW
Enquiries phone Barbara on 0419 477 959, or email barbara.baikie@gmail.com
Directions to Terroux will come with your booking confirmation. We are about half an hour from Civic via the Barton Highway.