Saturday 31 August: War and Peace and Concepts of Masculinity
Join Nigel Featherstone in a panel discussion with Dr Christina Spittel, Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow and Senior Lecturer in English and Media Studies School of Humanities and Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra and Dr Glenda Cloughley, Jungian analyst, composer and singer who works in private practice and composes music for A Chorus of Women.
Terroux is a rural property near Hall, where owners Barbara Baikie and Peter Fletcher have planted thousands of trees to regenerate the degraded grazing land and created a peace garden, which they often share with others. If you wish, join in the planting of a circle of Peace roses prior to the author event. Phone Barbara for information.
Author event $20 per person
Bookings essential at https://www.trybooking.com/BDWXX
Warming winter refreshments served.
Books will be available for purchase and signing by the author.
Inquiries: phone 0419 477 959